Date: 09/11/2015 - 11/15/2015
Time: 12:00 am
Location: Miami Center for Architecture and Design
Paper Pavement tells a story of history and the future, the passage of time, the urban underfoot. A steamroller navigates within the boundaries of a major commercial development zone, printing paper impressions of the streets along its path. Crumbling asphalt, utility covers, traffic signals, cement patchwork all characterize the area and its history in a way mostly ignored; easily disregarded. The impressions will tell the narrative of the place as it exists that very moment. A rutted road or cracked sidewalk takes on a different presence when transferred into a form embossed into paper. This Paper Pavement is displayed as a record and reflection of a city on the cusp of transformation.
To learn more about Paper Pavement, go to
This project gallery exhibition is presented in conjunction with Turn-Based Press, an artist-run printshop based in Miami. Turn-Based Press will be presenting a larger exhibition of these works through the fall season at its current location at the Downtown Art House, located at 100 NE 11 St. To make an appointment to view the installation at the printshop, e-mail
This project is made possible by a generous grant by the Downtown Development Authority. Exhibitions in the project gallery are curated by
Ricardo Mor of the Miami Center for Architecture & Design. Special thanks to Kathleen Hudspeth and Thom Wheeler Castillo of Turn-Based Press for their assistance in realizing this project.