Parks At Our Door: Planning Miami-Dade’s 21st Century Park System


Date: 04/12/2016 - 04/28/2016

Time: All Day

Exhibit Dates: April 12, 2016 – April 28, 2016

Representing the voices of thousands of participants in hundreds of meetings over three years of development, the Miami-Dade County Parks and Open Space Masterplan addresses the interconnectedness of life, and the potential for parks to provide an infrastructure that builds individual, community, and ecological resiliency and well-being. The drawings illustrate a shared vision for an integrated system of great parks and public spaces, natural and cultural areas, all linked across the region through greenways, waterways, complete streets and sidewalks. Three fundamentals guide the plan:

  • Placemaking – creating dynamic, resilient communities for all people
  • Health and Fitness – enhancing individual, family, and community health and well-being
  • Conservation and Stewardship – protecting open space, connecting children to nature, developing park stewards, and advancing conservation

Most importantly, the plan establishes a process of inquiry designed to support ongoing exploration to address the challenges and opportunities of the future, while preserving the significant ecological and cultural legacy of one America’s largest and most diverse park systems.
